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Day 1
​David Spain, MD & Immediate Past President of AAST
David Notrica, MD
Todd Maxson, MD
Marisa Flavin, MD & Tricia Starks, FNP
Ian Mitchell, MD & Julia Price, MD
Krysta Gregory, MDiv
Laura Goodman, MD, MPH vs. David Weber
Steve Moulton, MD
Day 1 Morning Recording:
Dr. Maxson​
Dr. Flavin & Tricia Starks, FNP
Dr. Mitchell & Dr. Price
Dr. Gregory
Day 1 Afternoon Recording:
Dr. Goodman vs. David Weber​
Dr. Moulton
Day 2
James Burroughs II, Chief Equity & Inclusion Officer
Ronald Stewart, MD
Garen Wintemut, MD
Scientific Abstracts Presentations
Best Practice Podium Presentations
Michael Nance, MD
Tim Schaub, MD
Nathan Kreykes, MD, Corey Matthew, DO, & Laura Plascencia, MPH, BSN, RN, TCRN
Poster Abstracts
Day 2 Morning Recording:
Dr. Stewart
Dr. Wintemut
Day 2 Afternoon Recording:
Dr. Nance​
Dr. Schaub
Dr. Kreykes, Dr. Matthew, & Laura Plascencia
Day 3
David Listman, MD
Rachel Berger, MD
Christopher Stewart, MD vs. Antonia Chiesa, MD
Denis Bensard, MD​
Todd Maxson, MD
Lana Martin, MHL BSN, RN, TPM
Michael Pirtle
Helen Arbogast, DrPH, Salvador Vargas, & Angelica Baker
Day 3 Morning Recording:
Dr. Stewart & Dr. Chiesa​
Day 3 - ACS:
Dr. Bensard
Dr. Maxson
Lana Martin
Michael Pirtle​
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